Grant Writing

Funding is key to getting projects off the ground – it’s also a frequent obstacle. Too often, budget cuts or shortfalls halt planning projects or capital improvements. Michael Baker’s grant writing services can help public agencies, private companies, and non-profit organizations secure the funds to keep projects moving forward.

Michael Baker can create a needs assessment to help identify priority projects and define needs, goals and objectives to help clients streamline their efforts for maximum efficiency.

Because projects often require more than one grant, Michael Baker’s consistent monitoring of federal, state, and private funding opportunities allow the team to identify all possible funding opportunities and create a complete grant financing strategy. 

A staff of experienced grant writers team with the firm’s technical experts to prepare and submit highly competitive grants that paint a complete picture of the project, including the need, the scope, and the benefit it will create. Michael Baker consultants can work with clients to ensure projects comply with all grant requirements, both increasing the odds of success and making the client “shovel ready” to start the project once the funding comes through. Once a grant application is submitted, our team can also assist clients in their follow-on advocacy efforts.

Grant administration is also an often-overlooked factor: it can be complex and time-consuming. Michael Baker provides grant management services to shepherd the grant and complete all administrative tasks throughout the grant process, as well as compliance and reporting tasks after the grant is awarded.

Featured Project | Templeton-Atascadero Pathway

The San Luis Obispo Council of Governments needed to create better connectivity and safer conditions for non-motorized forms of transportation between the City of Atascadero and the community of Templeton. But the solution, the Templeton-Atascadero Pathway (TAP) project, carried a price tag of well over three million dollars.

Michael Baker’s grant writing team assisted the Council of Governments with research to discover if TAP met the requirements of any grant funding programs and determined that Caltrans’ 2017 Active Transportation Program provided a strong possibility.

The Michael Baker team worked with the Council of Governments to create a strategy, write the grant, develop an engineer’s checklist, and coordinate letters of support to procure the funds from the Program. As a result, Caltrans selected the TAP project for capital funding in the amount of $3,288,000.

Click here to read more.


Troy Truax, AICP

Director, Planning Services
